The Malta Citizenship by Investment Regulations issued by means of Subsidiary Legislation 188.06 provides for the grant of Maltese citizenship by exceptional services on the basis of exceptional investment in Malta.

Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment in 2022

In 2022, with the continuously evolving global dynamics and word politics a number of high-net-worth individuals are looking at investment options which lead to the granting of citizenship. By virtue of the Malta citizenship programme, investors can give their family members the opportunity to widen their horizon while becoming part of a new community in Malta.

Applicants under the citizenship regulations can only be submitted by duly licenced agents. ACC Immigration’s lawyers are licenced to assist applicants in submitting applications under this citizenship route.

Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment 2022 – Who Is Eligible?

Below the requirements to apply for the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment

Residence and Genuine Connection to Malta

Prior to submitting a citizenship application, an applicant shall provide evidence that he was a legal resident of Malta for 12 or 36 months. During this period of residence, the applicant must also provide evidence of a genuine connection with Malta.

Property Purchase or Rental

The applicant shall during the residence period submit a citizenship eligibility application and undertakes that on approval he purchases a residential property valued at least at €700,000 or else rents a property for a minimum yearly rent of €16,000. Such property shall be kept for at least five years from when the Maltese citizenship is granted.


The applicant must also undertake that once the application is approved, he donates €10,000 to a registered philanthropic organisation.

Exceptional Contribution to Malta

The applicant also needs to make an exceptional contribution to Malta of €600,000 when a citizenship application is submitted after 3 years of residence or €750,000 when the application is submitted after 1 year. A non-refundable contribution of €50,000 applies for additional family members.

Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment 2022 – Due Diligence

When submitting a citizenship eligibility application, due diligence is undertaken on the main applicant and all family members. The cost for the due diligence is of €15,000 for the main applicant and €10,000 for each family member. The applicant can also include in the application a spouse or a partner in a long and durable relationship, and unmarried and financially dependent children who have not yet attained the age of 29.

The main benefits of the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment in 2022

  • Visa Free Travel to over 184 countries
  • Citizenship of one of the most and stable countries in the World
  • Applicant may include his family members
  • Citizenship is granted for life
  • Malta allows multiple and dual citizenship
  • Citizenship is passed down to future generations

Learn more about the benefits of the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment

The number of citizenship certificates to be issued in 2022 under these regulations shall not exceed 400 and a total of 1,500 for the duration of the programme.

Questions? Contact us or check our Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment FAQ Section

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